Friday, July 29, 2011

Exercising the Body Stimulates the Mind

I’ve always said that the best part of exercising my body was the result it had on my mind. There’s nothing like a long run, a series of wind sprints or a bike ride to clear out the cobwebs. If I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, I can immediately reset my mood with a quick jaunt on my stationary bike. When I have to make an important decision, running a couple miles gives me the time alone to really think things over.

I’ve been a gym rat for decades. I’ve used indoor bikes, outdoor bikes, skinny tires, fat tires, roller skates, stair-climbers, indoor and outdoor jogging. My favorite workout of all is the long run.

It is an amazing feeling when my feet hit the hot pavement to push my body up and out allowing me to run faster, to run harder. My entire body evolves and glides freely with the release of each deep breath or the slow trickling down of sweat along my face. Each exaggerated movement has a purpose that helps me to awake and start my day.  

For a few years, I had a route that stretched across three parks. Altogether, it was about six miles. I actually counted the number of steps between and around each park. When I didn’t have time for my full run, I’d modify the route slightly. The route had a built-in obstacle course of curbs, fences and hills that I used to break things up. It was kind of like low-altitude free-running.

When I moved to another city, I set up a course that went through a park with exercise stations about 100 yards apart. I’d stop at each station and do sit-ups, push-ups or chin-ups. That gave me a full-body workout in about 30 minutes.

However, as much as I love running I realize that I have baby my knees in order to keep my passion alive for many years to come. I decided to spare my knees any further wear and tear. I switched to a low-impact spinner-style stationary bike. At one point, I worked my way up to 50 miles a day. Of course, I had a nice, comfortable bike-seat or I couldn’t have stayed on the bike for so long. I enjoyed doing an exercise called “The Tortoise and the Hare.” I’d ride slowly for ten minutes, sprint for five and repeat the process a few times. The ride goes by quickly with my Ipod Touch strapped onto my arm for dear life.

Nowadays, I need more than my running high. The stresses of life and work have become overwhelming and I seek solitude in yoga or a light walk after a hard day.

No matter how busy my schedule gets, I always try to include some sort of workout. That time spent working out keeps me feeling fit, and when I feel fit, I feel confident. That confidence carries over to every part of my life. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance Donating 50K To Fight Cancer

Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance Launches $50K to Cancer Twitter Drive

(From PRWeb)

The Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance (@CancerAlliance) has launched an international campaign to raise funding for cancer research and support organizations through Twitter. @CancerAlliance has pledged to donate $1 for every new Twitter follower they gain between now and September 2nd, 2011, up to $50,000.
Moreover, they’re encouraging their new followers to vote on which cancer research or support organization will receive the funds. New followers are able to choose from many large national organizations or nominate one close to their heart.
“It’s our way of letting members of our Twitter community have a voice in who receives the funding,” Jack Bleeker, spokesman for the drive said.
The drive is intended to encourage organizations and support groups of all sizes to generate support among their Twitter following and create a collaborative learning community through social media.
“Some of these organizations aren’t as well known as LIVESTRONG or other nationally recognized members of the cancer community, but they all deserve their chance at the funding. We’re trying to mobilize lesser-known organizations and their constituencies to get the word out.”
@CancerAlliance is among the leading internet-based social media cancer communities. Featuring the latest in cancer treatment advancements, academic scholarship, and inspirational stories, our community serves as an open platform for all of those affected by cancer in some way.
To follow us on Twitter and vote for for a cancer support organization close to your heart, please visit us at:
For more information on the $50k to Cancer drive, please visit the campaign’s homepage here.
The Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance is the leading authority on Mesothelioma and asbestos-related disease. Featuring thousands of pages of physician, cancer center, clinical trial, and other resources, we have been serving the mesothelioma and cancer community online for nearly thirty years.

Here Goes Nothing

Well, I finally did it! After many days of hemming and hawing I finally started my very own blog. I am very excited to share interesting articles that I hope will keep you coming back for more. I do not enjoy reading boring things; therefore, I would never let you read something that is. On that note, I am done talking about this. Moving on!

I hope Jackie's Arc becomes an invigorating platform of open conversation. I want to discuss a variety of topics and I encourage your feedback. This blog should be just as thrilling for me as it is for you. I love to read and write. I love to hike and run. I want you to enjoy my writings as if you are experiencing them personally.

This is such an a wonderful opportunity for me and I look forward to our future together, you, me, and Jackie's Arc. Here goes nothing!